Samsung Flip Overview

Tags flip fliptv


The Samsung Flip Display is a 4K touchscreen display.



Drawing on the Display

At any time, on any image that you are projecting, you can use the pens on the side of the display to write on the display. Tap the power button and then choose Note On from the menu. If at any time you need to erase you can use your finger or the palm of your hand and wipe it away. You can also hold the pen on the screen until a menu appears. There are more erasing options, an undo button to erase the last thing you drew, and an option to choose a different color.

Power on/Power off

Tap power on the front panel to turn on, press and hold to power off. The power button can also be pressed to open/close the menu.

Drawing features/Computer Control

Plug in the USB cable to the front of the display and then into your laptop. Once connected there are ways to use your finger or pen to navigate your computer on the display.

Wired HDMI Display Connection

  1. Connect the HDMI cable to the front of the display or to the port on the wall and connect the cable to your computer via USB-C adapter or HDMI connection
  2. Tap on the 3 lines on the left or right side of the screen and in the Export section tap the PC icon and choose HDMI if it does not happen automatically
  3. To maximize display, click the mosaic square icon on the grey bar and then click the mosaic square again (between camera and X icon). You can control the volume in this same grey bar section


Click the pause menu, and click again to unfreeze.

Wireless Projection on Computer

Preferred method for Windows laptops

  1. Tap on the 3 lines on the left or right side of the screen and in the Export section tap PC. Make sure a USB cable is running from the Flip to the PC if you want to use Flip mouse control of your computer
  2. Tap wireless
  3. Click on the Windows icon on your PC and type Settings, click on Display on the left, then under Multiple Displays click on Connect to a wireless display
  4. On the right side the name of the Flip should appear. Connect to that display and check the allow mouse, keyboard, touch and pen input from this device box
  5. In the future you can hold down the Windows key and the P key at the same time and choose this wireless display. Controlling your computer from the Flip should work on your HDMI connection following these steps


Wireless Computer Projection through Smartview+ (Both Mac and Windows)

  1. In the Export section tap Smartview+
  2. Find the IP address associated with the Flip Display and enter this into a Google Chrome browser window. (Chrome is the preferred browser but others also work). (To download the certificate, please visit https://ipaddress/downloadCertificate.html, with the ipaddress being the sequence of numbers shown on the screen)
  3. Enter your name and click "Connect to Flip"
  4. Choose what to share. (Check the "share tab audio" box if you are playing audio in Chrome)
  5. Click Share
  6. On the Flip screen menu, tap your screen name on the list
  7. Tap Display Now
  8. To stop sharing, click the Stop Sharing button at the bottom of your screen


Wireless Projection on Smartphone and iPad

This display can use the Samsung Signage Mobile app found on the App Store/Google Play Store.

iOS App

  1. Open Samsung Signage Mobile app
  2. Choose Samsung Flip
  3. Choose Smartview+
  4. Click Connect
  5. On the Flip on the For Mobile section type the number in blue on your phone, then hit next and connect
  6. Back on the Flip display choose your phone from the list and hit connect
  7. To disconnect go back to the app screen on your phone and tap the disconnect button


Android App

  1. Open Samsung Signage Mobile app
  2. Choose Samsung Flip
  3. Choose Smartview+
  4. Click Connect
  5. On the Flip on the For Mobile section type the number in blue on your phone, then hit next and connect
  6. Back on the Flip display choose your phone from the list and hit connect
  7. To disconnect go back to the app screen on your phone and tap the disconnect button


iPadOS iPad App

  1. Open Samsung Signage Mobile app
  2. Choose Samsung Flip
  3. Choose Smartview+
  4. Click Connect
  5. On the Flip on the For Mobile section type the number in blue on your iPad, then hit next and connect
  6. Back on the Flip display choose your iPad from the list and hit connect
  7. To disconnect go back to the app screen on your iPad and tap the disconnect button


Connecting to Mirror Only

This display can also use AirPlay. To use AirPlay,

  1. Open the 3 horizontal lines and choose Mobile
  2. Follow the onscreen instructions for iOS and Android
  3. To maximize display, click the mosaic square icon (between camera and X icon)
  4. To disconnect, choose the Airplay icon and select iPhone on the Notification panel



Contact us

If you need further assistance, please contact us at or call us at 507-933-6111.