What to do if you Forgot your Gustavus Password



A password or passphrase is a key one uses to access secure resources like e-mail, files stored on the network, or voice mail. At Gustavus, users have different passwords for various systems. Passwords should be unique, long and not shared with anyone. E-mail, lab access, Moodle, Home Directory, Google Calendar and Docs, Office365 and computer logins are all controlled by your Gustavus user account passphrase. The same password allows you to check your e-mail, access your home directory, log into lab machines on campus, log into your Gustavus Google Calendar account and log into your Gustavus issued computer (employees). 

Gustavus has a few options to reset your account passphrase.


If you have forgotten your passphrase, you have two options:

  • Stop by the Technology Helpline, with proof of identity and have your passphrase reset or use the self-reset tool.
  • If you have a current alternate email address on file, you can have a passphrase reset request sent to that address using the self-reset tool


How do I check if I have an alternate email address set?

Please visit: https://gustavus.edu/account/contact and look under the alternative email setting to see if you have that field correctly filled in.


When I change my passphrase what devices and programs need to be adjusted?

  • Smart phones, tablets and iOS devices will require to re-add the Gustavus Google Account to apps such as GMail and Google Calendar.
  • Calendar programs such as Calendar for macOS configured with Gustavus Google Calendar.
  • Faculty, staff and students will need to log into their office and lab computers with their new passphrase
    • Mac users will need to open Enterprise Connect or Jamf Connect, Sign Out/Sign In in Enterprise Account.
    • Both Windows and Mac users will need to sign in with their new passphrase on campus for their new passphrase to sync.


See also

Please see https://gustavus.edu/account to use the self-reset tool.


Contact us

If you need further assistance, please contact us at helpline@gustavus.edu or call us at 507-933-6111.



Article ID: 2570
Thu 1/12/23 11:05 AM
Tue 8/6/24 12:36 PM